Saturday, 10 October 2020

Herbs that well suited to everyone


Giloy is the only vine that you can call a hundred merge medicine. Hence it is named Amrita in Sanskrit. It is said that when the nectar came out during the churning of the ocean between the gods and the demons, and where the drops of this nectar spilled, Giloy originated there.

Its botanical name is tinospora cordifolia. Its leaves look like betel leaves and the plant on which it climbs, does not let them die. Many of its benefits are stated in Ayurveda, which is not only Keeps you healthy, but also enhances your beauty. Let's know the benefits of Giloy…

The Main benefits are:-

Giloy increases immunity

Giloy is a vine that increases a person's immunity and keeps him away from diseases. It contains a lot of antioxidants, which act to flush out toxins from the body. It cleanses the blood, fights bacteria. Good liver and kidney care is also one of Giloy's many tasks. Both these organs work to clean the blood.

Heals fever

If someone suffers from recurrent fever, he should take Giloy. Giloy helps fight every type of fever. Therefore, patients with dengue are also advised to take Giloy. Besides dengue, malaria also relieves Giloy from the swine flu fever.

Other Benefits of Giloy:-

For diabetic patients

Giloy is a hypoglycemic agent, ie it reduces blood sugar levels. Therefore, its intake reduces blood glucose levels, which benefits patients with type two diabetes.

Increases digestive power

This vine keeps all the functions of the digestive system well and helps in the process of digestion of food. This prevents the person from constipation and other stomach upsets.

Lowers stress

Stress or stress has become a major problem in this period of fierce competition. Giloy acts as an adaptogen and reduces the level of mental stress and anxiety (anxiety). With its help, not only improves memory but also the functioning of the brain remains healthy and concentration increases.

Increases eyesight

Eye shadow increases when applying Giloy over the eyelids. For this, you have to heat Giloy Powder in water. When the water cools down, apply it on the eyelids.

Beneficial in asthma

Asthma suffers a lot of trouble on the change of weather, especially in winter. In such cases, asthma patients should regularly chew Giloy's thick stem or drink its juice. This will give them a lot of rest.

Relief in arthritis

In arthritis, arthritis not only causes joint pain, but also has difficulty in walking. Giloy has anti-arthritic properties, due to which it benefits in many symptoms including joint pain.

If you have anemia, then take Giloy

Indian women often suffer from anemia i.e. anemia. This makes them feel tired and weak all the time. Consumption of Giloy increases the number of red blood cells in the body and relieves anemia.

Ear scum will come out

If the stubborn eardrum does not come out, then grind a little Giloy in water and boil it. After cooling, put few drops of filter in the ear. In a day or two, all the dirt will go out on its own.

Belly fat will be reduced

Giloy cures the metabolism of the body, reduces inflammation and increases digestive power. Due to this, fat does not accumulate around the stomach and you lose weight.

Giloy increases sexual desire

If you want to increase sexual desire without any medicine, you can take Giloy. Giloy has sexual enhancement properties, which improves sexual relations.

Giloy enhances beauty

Giloy is not only very beneficial for health, but it also has miraculous effects on skin and hair….

Giloy holds his youth

Giloy has anti-aging properties, which can help remove dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles from the face. With this, you can get such glowing and glowing skin, which is desired by everyone. If you apply it on the skin, the wounds heal very quickly. To apply on the skin, make a paste by grinding the leaves of Giloy. Now boil some neem or castor oil in a vessel. Mix leaves paste in hot oil. Apply on the wound after cooling. Applying this paste also tightens the skin.

Hair problem will also be removed

If you are struggling with hair fall, hair fall or other scalp skin problems, then Giloy intake will also help you to overcome these problems.

Use Giloy in this way: -

Now you know the benefits of Giloy, so also know how to use Giloy…

Giloy Juice

Peel Giloy's stems and add water to it and grind them well in a grinder. Sieve and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Giloy juice of different brands is also available in the market.


Cut the Giloy's stem four inches long into small pieces. Boil them in a cup of water. When the water is half, filter it and drink it. You can also add cloves, ginger, basil in it for more benefits.


So Giloy Powder is available in the market. You can also make it at home. For this, dry the stems of Giloy well in the sun. After drying, grind it in a grinder and make powder.

Giloy Vati

Giloy tablets i.e. tablets also come in the market. If fresh Giloy is not available at or near your home, then you should consume them.

Together different diseases will work

Application of castor oil with castor oil helps in relieving the problem of gout (arthritis of the joints). Mixing it with ginger can fight the problem of rheumatoid arthritis. Liver diseases are cured. To get relief from arthritis, use it with ghee. If you have constipation, eat jaggery in giloy.

Take care of side effects

Although there are no serious side effects of using Giloy regularly, but since it reduces blood sugar levels. So keep an eye on it that blood sugar does not get reduced excessively. * Pregnant and lactating women should avoid the consumption of Giloy. Do not let children younger than five years use Giloy.

One request: --- Now is the time of rainstorm, in your house, big pot or in the courtyard, wherever there is a proper place, make sure to plant Giloy vine and also give it to the relatives. This is not only a very useful plant but also the nectar and divine contribution of Ayurveda. 

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