Drinking milk is beneficial, we learn it only in childhood. There are many idioms in our country that indicate that milk is a very important diet for good health and physical strength. Actually, not only in our tradition but also in dietetics, milk has been considered as a complete diet because it contains all the necessary nutrients. At a time when we are constantly going through the risk of corona infection, the awareness of milk consumption has increased significantly. However, it is important to understand that milk is beneficial for the body and health, but its intake can also cause harm. Therefore, it is important to know how the consumption of milk is beneficial for us and what are the instructions related to its consumption.
Nutrient rich
Whenever you drink milk, keep in mind that it is slightly warm and not very cold. Digestion is better by drinking lukewarm milk. Milk contains many nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and antioxidants. Apart from this, milk also contains essential amino acids. The calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium present in milk make bones strong. Apart from this, the consumption of milk and dairy products also meet many of the health requirements required. Consuming milk in the morning keeps you energized throughout the day. Consumption of milk daily keeps the level of cholesterol in the body balanced, thereby protecting you from heart diseases. If you want to increase eyesight, drink almonds, turmeric, poppy seeds or ashwagandha in milk and drink in the evening.
Many many, many benefits
If you have a problem of acidity, drink a glass of milk every night before going to bed. This will strengthen digestion. During the summer days, drink a glass of milk every morning. It contains electric elements, which protect the body from being dehydrated. Tryptophan and starch present in milk removes the problem of insomnia. In such a situation, if you do not sleep, drink almond or turmeric milk before sleeping. Similarly, milk is also effective in relieving stress. Drinking warm milk helps to relieve stress and makes you feel lighter too. It also keeps you from problems like depression.
Nowadays any increase in any kind of sore throat increases the risk of corona infection. In this case, drink a pinch of black pepper mixed in a cup of milk. This will rid you of throat problem forever. Milk contains plenty of protein, so its intake strengthens the muscles.
Necessary instructions
- Milk should never be drunk with food because it is not able to digest quickly. Similarly, to drink milk before sleeping at night, it is necessary that you drink it only after two hours of evening meal so that you can get the benefit of drinking milk at night.
- If you drink milk after eating citrus fruits, you may have many stomach related problems including vomiting.
- Never consume bitter gourd and lady's finger before drinking milk. Drinking milk after eating them can cause dark spots on your face. Similarly, consuming milk after eating urad dal can spoil your digestion. It is advisable not to drink milk even after consuming radish and berries. This can lead to many skin related diseases.
- Eating fish is beneficial for health. It is very good for skin and hair health but it should never be drunk immediately after eating. By doing this, you may have various stomach problems.
नोट :- दूध अगर शुद्ध हो तो अमृत है , लेकिन अगर मिलावटी हो तो फिर नुकसान भी कर सकता है। अतः शुद्धता का ख्याल अवश्य रखें।