यूरिक एसिड

 Uric acid is the home of diseases in our life

The problem of increasing uric acid is increasing rapidly. The uric acid gout arthritis problem has been increasingly estimated to increase with age. That is, life style, food, diet, the process of converting the glucose protein produced during the digestion process directly from the protein to uric acid is called urine acid. Protein produces amino acids from protein and uric acid from purine nucleotides during the digestion process. Uric acid means purine nutritional balance in the food that is eaten, due to lack of balance in the blood. Due to which purine breaks down, uric acid is formed. Uric acid is a kind of acid crystal that is formed between bones, joints and bones. Which causes pain due to prickling tightness in walking. Which is called uric acid. In research, uric acid is considered to be the adjuster of carbon-hydrogen oxygen nitrogen C-5, H-4, N-4, O-3, which accumulates in the body. It is very important to control uric acid on time. If uric acid is not treated on time due to increase in uric acid, the chances of joint pain, arthritis, kidney stone, diabetes, blood disorders are increased. It is very important to control the amount of uric acid in the blood.

(लक्षण) Symptoms of Uric Acid:

Pain in the joints

Pain in leg joints.

Swelling of the lumps

Severe pain in joints in the morning and evening.

Tolerable pain in the feet and ankles in getting up after sitting for long at one place Then the pain becomes normal.

Swelling of legs, joints, fingers, lumps.

Sugar label increases. In case of any such problem, get uric acid checked immediately.

Ayurvedic methods of controlling uric acid:

Chobar powder(चोबचीनी) (you will find it at Ayurvedic store or grocer's shop), taking half a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and at night at bedtime, can cause uric acid to dissipate in a few days. This remedy is very miraculous because it has been tried.

Eat a diet rich in hydraulic fiber when uric acid increases. Spinach, broccoli, oats, oatmeal, isabgol husk are beneficial.

It is capable of reducing uric acid by mixing Amla juice and Aloe vera juice and drinking it 10 minutes before eating in the morning.

Drinking tomato juice(not to eat it's seeds) and grapefruit juice is able to reduce uric acid rapidly.

After 5 minutes of eating three times, chewing 1 teaspoon of flaxseed seeds and eating it properly does not make uric acid in digestion.

· 1 teaspoon honey and comes in uric acid control the drinking solution with 1 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder 1 cup warm milk.

During uric acid increase, use olive oil in food preparation. Vitamin-E and mineral are present in olive oil. Which are helpful in controlling uric acid.

When uric acid increases, the digestive system controls amino acids for sugars by eating walnuts before 15 meals. Which is helpful in preventing protein from converting into uric acid.

Eat vitamin C rich food. Vitamin C is helpful in dissolving uric acid through urine.

Eating 2-3 cherries daily is capable of controlling uric acid. Cherry does not allow acid crystals to form in lumps.

Eat half a lemon in a salad. By drinking 1 lemon in 1 glass of water once a day, uric acid is able to pass through the urine. Do not mix sugar, sweeteners.

To reduce uric acid fast, sweat 45-45 minutes daily by walking fast. Fast walking prevents the acid crystals from freezing on the joints lumps. Together, it is able to smooth blood circulation by stabilizing blood circulation. Walking can easily get rid of hundreds occurring in the body. Fast walking has been found to be able to control acid quickly.

· Close the outside food completely. Eat fresh homemade food. Eat a balanced nutritious diet with fresh fruits, green vegetables, salads, fiber.

Exercise yoga easy everyday. Yoga is useful in reducing urinary acid. Together, doing yoga-easy-exercise will keep obesity under control.

Soak cotton cloth in hot water and soak it to relieve excess swelling pain.

Get urinary acid treatment done immediately. Uric acid can easily make other diseases home by staying for a long time.

Green cardamom will control uric acid

If you consume small cardamom ie green cardamom daily, it will control uric acid on its own. Cardamom is rich in iron and magnesium. These elements act to control uric acid.

How to consume small cardamom

First take two small cardamoms. Wash both of them with water and then put them in a glass of water for about 10 minutes. After this drink cardamom spilled water on an empty stomach. You will benefit by doing this daily.

Food on increasing uric acid:

If uric acid increases, stop eating meat immediately. Eating non-veg increases uric acid rapidly. Drugs reduce the effect of medicines.

If uric acid increases, stop the egg intake completely. Egg rich protein is rich in fat. Which increases uric acid.

Turn off the right bakery foods. Bakery food is preservative wet. Such as pastries, cakes, pancakes, Bunn, cream biscuits and so on.

Immediately after uric acid increases, turn off junk-food, fast food, cold soda drinks, fried things. Junkfood, fast-food, soda cold drinks further impair digestion. Due to which the acid increases rapidly.

Stop eating rice, potato, spicy, peppery, fried dishes completely. These things are helpful in increasing uric acid.

Stop eating all types of ingredients in the closed box. Campal chemicals are added to the food items of the closed boxes during storage. Like various types of plastic packaged chips, food etc. Thousands of closed containers and packets of food are helpful in increasing uric acid.

Stop the consumption of alcohol completely. Beer, alcohol, uric acid increases rapidly. Research has found that 70 percent of people who consume beer, alcohol, and alcohol consistently have the highest uric acid problem. Immediately after uric acid increases, stop drinking beer and alcohol. Beer wine also makes a healthy person sick. Beer, alcohol intoxicants are harmful to health.

नोट: - ये उपचार निश्चित रूप से स्वस्थ लोगों के लिए अच्छी रिकवरी को दर्शाते हैं जिनके पास थायराइड, मधुमेह और अन्य जैसी समस्याएं नहीं हैं .... लेकिन यूरिक एसिड से सुधार व्यक्ति को अलग-अलग हो सकता है।

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