Showing posts with label Onion(प्याज़ ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Onion(प्याज़ ). Show all posts

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Pyaz Ke Fayde

Onion (Important role in Life)

Onion is a treasure of health and beauty. Sodium, potassium, folates, vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus… these are some of the nutrients found in onions. Onion has anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from this, it also has anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. Onions also contain sufficient amounts of minerals like iron, folate and potassium. Onion is a superfood. Let's know what are the benefits of eating raw onion along with food (Benefits of raw onion). University of Texas, University of Maryland Medical Center, National Onion Association, USA report has shown the beneficial benefits of these onions in their report.

Onion is beneficial for heart

According to a Cambridge University report, flavonoids present in onions help in reducing bad cholesterol in your body and thiosulfinates are helpful in keeping the stability of the blood right. Due to this, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced manifold. Regulates cholesterol. You can get rid of the problem of increasing cholesterol by eating raw onion. Amino acid is found in raw onion, which reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

Ability to fight cancer is fast

Treatment of cancer with raw onion, the raw thirst is very high in sulfur, which does not allow the cancer cells to grow. Eating raw onion brings the ability to fight cancer and also improves health.

Also beneficial in digestion

Raw onion helps a lot in the digestion. There is a lot of fiber in raw onions, due to which the food sticking inside your stomach is completely digested. Eating raw onion cleanses the stomach. It removes the complaint of constipation. People who have constipation, use salad in dinner.

Beneficial for bones

If you consume onion regularly, it can help you strengthen bones. Although dairy products are used more for bones, but to a large extent, many other food items including onions can also help in strengthening bones. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), only one onion contains 25.3 milligrams of calcium. Calcium helps maintain strong bones, so adding onions to your salad can improve bone health.

Beneficial in blood pressure

To control blood pressure it is advisable to consume many things. One of them includes raw onion. If you have a complaint of blood pressure, then you can eat raw onion daily, this can help in reducing blood pressure. Include raw onion in the salad with your daily meal.

Better for hair health

Onions have antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties, which enhance the growth of our hair. The sulfur element in it makes the hair thick and shiny. In addition, it also increases their length rapidly. Onion juice increases the blood circulation of the head and makes the scalp strong. This makes your hair healthy and they grow fast. Premature graying of hair has become a common problem today. This problem can also be overcome by applying onion juice. This gradually prevents hair from becoming white. Also, it turns black hair which is white. Dandruff causes itching on the scalp. If it is not stopped in time, it can also cause many damage to the hair.

Improves immunity

At present, everyone talks about immunity. Onions can also help you strengthen it. According to the study published in the Journal of Mediators of Inflammation, the chemical composition of onion is so strong that it helps to increase immunity and also has anti-cancer properties.

Is beneficial for the respiratory system

According to a study published in the journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, eating onions relaxes the trachea muscles, which helps asthma patients breathe easier. It is caused by the presence of flavonoids.

Beneficial for diabetes

According to recently released research, quercetin helps in controlling diabetes. A study published in the journal Phyto phora Therapy states that taking 500 mg or more of quercetin daily in eight weeks reduces the level of increased blood sugar in patients with diabetes. Due to the presence of quercetin and sulfur in onion, it is very beneficial for diabetes patients.


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