Thursday 17 September 2020

Anxiety & Depression


Some signs of depression

1. Sadness and emptiness

If you often feel emptiness and sadness in your mind, do not ignore it.

With this, if you hate yourself and start feeling that you are of no importance in the world, then understand that you are a victim of depression.

2. Insomnia troubles

If you do not sleep for a long time or do not sleep at night, then it is a sign of depression. Try to find a solution to it in time.

3. Do not want to get up from the bed

Sometimes it is fine, but it is not normal if you do not feel like getting out of bed after sleeping all night. You are trying to distance yourself from the world.

4. Do not focus on one thing

When you are not able to concentrate easily or repeatedly start to break your concentration even in everyday work, then understand that these are symptoms of depression.

5. Anger and mood deterioration

If you always feel nervous, tense and feel that something is going wrong somewhere, then it is very likely that these are symptoms of depression. Apart from this, bad mood is also a sign of depression.

6. thoughts of suicide

If someone thinks of ending his life again and again and feels that there is no reason for me to live anymore, it is a sign that he is suffering from severe depression. It can be avoided with medical advice at the right time.

7. Do not want to get out of the house

If you just want to be alone in your room in your house and do not want to go out and meet people, then it is very possible that depression is at home in your mind.

Symptoms of depression?

  You either do not sleep or you have too much sleep

 You are unable to concentrate and there is difficulty in doing the work which you     used to do easily earlier.

  You feel hopeless and helpless.

  No matter how much you try, you are not able to stop your negative thoughts.

  Either you do not feel hungry or you eat too much.

  You get irritate or aggressive sooner than ever, and start getting angry.

  You drink more alcohol than normal.

 You feel that life is not worth living and suicidal thoughts come to your mind. (Get   treated immediately)

Suicide: Warning

 Talk about killing or killing yourself.

 Suddenly people meet or call to goodbye.

 Without giving away your property or other valuable things to others.

 Expressing feelings that make a person seem very helpless and confused.

 Always talk about dying.

 Unusual behavior such as crossing red light for no reason.

 Doing unusual things like, "I don't care what anyone does."

 Suddenly depressed and then start to express happiness.

Depression in women:

In women, the chances of being depressed are double than in men, some of the reasons are related to hormones, especially premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual syndrome PMS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression, and perimenopausal depression. Symptoms of depression in women are seen as overeating, excess sleep, weight gain, feeling of guilt, feeling depressed.

Adolescent Depression:

Some depressed teens look like nothing. Excessive irritability is, in fact, the greatest symptom of depression in teenagers. A depressed teenager can easily become angry, misbehave with others and complain of pain in his body without reason. Excessive pressure put on children for parents to study and comparison with others can also be a source of depression. If such teens are not treated then they may face problems at home and school, such children can easily take drugs Can start, and they can also have a tendency to commit suicide. But with help, it can be treated quickly.

Depression in the elderly:

Along with old age, problems such as disconnection, health problems, dependence on others, reduced income, etc. can make a person depressed. But depression is not common with old age. Such elders complain more of physical problems than emotional. That is why most of their depression related problems go unnoticed. Coming to complain of a worsening health situation can be an indicator of depression.

Cause of depression

Some diseases have precise causes, which makes their treatment easier. If you have diabetes, take insulin, if you have appendicitis (stone) then get surgery. But depression is a slightly complicated disease. This can happen not only because of the chemical imbalance happening in the brain but also due to any other biological, psychological and social reasons. In other words, it can also be caused by your lifestyle, your relations, how you handle problems. But some factors increase the chances of depression.

How to overcome depression

Just as the symptoms and causes of depression are different in different people, similarly the ways to overcome it are different. The remedy that works for one person, it is not necessary to do it for others also, and In most cases, no single method of treatment is sufficient. If you see symptoms of depression in yourself or any of your well wishers, then take some time to explore the treatment options. In most cases, the best approach is a combination of these measures: social support, lifestyle changes, emotional skills building, and professional help.

Ask for help:

 If you feel that you are going into depression or are already depressed, do not hide it, nor feel infuriated with shrink because depression is a very common illness, and its treatment is completely possible. Hiding it is like promoting it, discuss it in your family, consult your integral friends as well. If there is no one, then you can also directly meet a psychologist.

Improve your lifestyle, you can do this in these ways:

    By improving relationships

    By exercising daily

    Healthy food

    Using relaxation techniques

    Negative thinking

Develop Emotional Skills:

Many people are not able to deal with stress properly and become emotional. Emotional skills help you to maintain your balance in adverse situations. For this you can do a short-term course related to stress management.

Get help from a professional:

If these things do not work, seek help from a mental health professional. There are several effective methods for the treatment of depression: such as therapy, medications, alternative treatments, etc. Exactly what method to use will depend on the causes of your depression.


 Medicinal properties of flax seeds

Due to the medicinal properties present in linseed, it is used as an excellent medicine in Ayurveda. Let's have a look at some important medicinal properties present in it, which are as follows:

Anti-fungals (eliminating fungal infections)

Anti-oxidant (reducing the effect of free radicals)

Anti-hypertensive (lowered increased blood pressure)

Cholesterol lowering effect (cholesterol lowering)

Anti-diabetic (blood sugar reducer)

Ant-ithrombic (slowing blood clotting process)

Anti-tumor (inhibitor of growing tumors)

benefits of linseed -

1. helpful in weight loss

The use of flaxseed can be beneficial in reducing the increased weight. Indeed, according to a research published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, flaxseed is a good source of dietary fiber. Due to the presence of fiber, it can help in reducing the increased plasma and cholesterol in the body. Also it can be helpful in reducing excess body fat, which can help in controlling weight. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that a drink or bread prepared from flaxseed can be helpful for weight loss, provided it is avoided along with other fatty foods to gain the benefits of eating flaxseed.

2. Control blood pressure

The benefits of eating Teesi can also prove useful in controlling increased blood pressure. This is mentioned in a research conducted by the St. Boniface Hospital Research Center in Canada. Research has assumed that omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and dietary fiber present in flaxseeds can jointly exhibit antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) effects. Due to this effect, the consumption of flaxseed can give relief to the patient suffering from blood pressure problem. In such a situation, it can be assumed that the benefits of linseed seeds can be achieved as a treatment for increased blood pressure.

3. Relief in diabetes

Talking about the problem of diabetes, the benefits of eating linseed can also be effective for the patients suffering from this problem. This has been considered in a research conducted on linseed by the Journal of Food Science and Technology. Research suggests that due to the presence of fiber and mucilage (glue-like gluten) present in flaxseed, it can control the amount of insulin in the body. Due to this effect, research has considered that flaxseed has antidiabetic (blood sugar controlling) effect.

At the same time, another research conducted on mice belonging to flaxseed suggests that flaxseed contains a specific element called Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside. This special element in flaxseed can help reduce the risk of developing type-1 diabetes. Also, type-2 can reduce the possibility of diabetes. On this basis, it can be said that using flaxseed can help to control diabetes and keep away the risks from it.

4. Effective in cold and cough

Linseed is considered a great alternative as an ancient home remedy for cold and cough. This point comes from a research in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation related to linseed. Research has suggested that flaxseed can help relieve cold and cough. At the same time, research also mentions that flaxseed tea can prove beneficial in the problem of excessive cough or bronchitis (a condition of inflammation in lungs). For this, soak the flax seeds in water for about 30 minutes. When the time is up, separate the seeds and heat the water and drink it after sipping. Explain that the facts related to the benefits of eating linseed are based on home remedies used in ancient times. Therefore, more research needs to be done about how effective it will be in cold and cough.

5. Lower Cholesterol

The benefits of flaxseed seeds can also prove beneficial in controlling the condition of increased cholesterol. This is evidenced by an NCBI research. Research suggested that flaxseed may exhibit positive effects in people using peripheral artery disease (thinning of the veins) and cholesterol-lowering drugs. In this way, it can also be helpful in keeping the risks related to heart. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that eating linseed can also help in controlling the increased cholesterol.

6. beneficial for heart

Along with other health benefits, the benefits of eating flaxseed can also be helpful in maintaining heart health. This has been accepted in a research conducted by the Department of Physiology of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Indeed, the lignan complex (flax lignan complex) and secoisolaricresinol diglucoside present in flaxseeds may play a major role in this work. Research has shown that secoisoisaricaricinol diglucoside has a hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) property. At the same time, the lignan complex and the cacoisoleicaricinol diglucoside may reduce the risks of atherosclerosis of the heart. On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of eating Teesi can substantially improve heart health.

7. Linseed in Pregnancy

The benefits of flaxseed seeds can also prove to be effective in pregnancy. In fact, in the year 2015, research done by International Journal of Experimental Pathology on flaxseed oil has been considered beneficial for pregnancy. Research suggests that by reducing the effect of increased blood sugar, it can help a child develop and maintain his normal weight. The reason is that flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids necessary for pregnancy. Along with this, it also contains other nutrients, which are necessary for pregnancy. On the contrary, a research conducted by NCBI, which was done in the year 2013, has predicted breast cancer due to excessive consumption of flaxseed during pregnancy or post pregnancy.

The 2015 report describes linseed as beneficial for pregnancy. In this context, we can say the consumption of flaxseed or flaxseed oil during pregnancy to some extent. Yet, the research of breast cancer which can be seen in other research also cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming flaxseed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

8. Beneficial for liver

Patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using flaxseed can also be relieved. Actually, this is mentioned in an NCBI research related to linseed. Research has found that if flaxseed is consumed with a balance in diet and daily routine, people struggling with fatty liver problems can be relieved to a great extent. At the same time, another research related to this suggests that flaxseed can help maintain liver health by controlling the increased blood pressure. Alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid present in flaxseed may play a major role in this work. On this basis, it can be believed that the benefits of eating linseed seeds can prove beneficial in maintaining liver health.

9. Avoid cancer

The benefits of eating flaxseed seeds may also include reducing the risks of cancer. According to experts, a special element called Secoisolariciresinol is found in flaxseed. It is only due to the presence of this particular element that flaxseed can exhibit anticancer (reducing the effect of cancer) properties. This property can demonstrate a positive effect in reducing the risk of cancer caused mainly by hormonal disturbances (eg: breast cancer, uterine cancer and sperm gland cancer). Not only this, it can also be helpful in reducing the growth of cancerous tumors that occur in various other parts of the body.

On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of linseed seeds can be somewhat helpful in the growing effects of cancer. However, you have to keep in mind that cancer is a fatal disease. Therefore, medical treatment is essential to treat cancer. At the same time, you must also seek medical consultation before the use of linseed for cancer.

10. Flaxseed for gastritis (abdominal swelling)

Benefits of linseed also include relief from gastritis problem. According to a research published on the NCBI website, omega-3s can protect against goutritis and flaxseeds contain a good amount of omega. In such a situation, it can be said that the use of flaxseed can be helpful in stomach inflammation to some extent. At the moment, further research is still needed on this topic.

11. Relaxation in fever and common cold

As we have already told you in the article, positive effects of flaxseed can be seen in common cold and cough. On the other hand, another research confirms that the health benefits of flaxseed include general fever relief. On this basis, it can be assumed that benefits of linseed can also prove to be beneficial in fever problem.

12. Beneficial in sore throat

A Greek research related to the Benefit of linseed seeds suggests that linseed may prove beneficial for sore throat along with other health benefits. However, there is no firm evidence on how it is beneficial in a sore throat.

13. Effective in asthma

A research conducted by New York Medical University on respiratory system related disorders has been found to be beneficial in asthma. Indeed, research suggests that use of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may prove beneficial in asthma. At the same time, in other research by NCBI, it is mentioned that by soaking linseed seeds in water for about 30 minutes, remove the seeds from the water. Now heat that water and drink it like tea. This can provide relief in asthma. Given these facts, it can be said that the benefits of linseed seeds can also be helpful in asthma.

14. Helpful in toothache

The use of flaxseed may also prove beneficial for people suffering from toothache. In fact, a research on flaxseed oil by Allahabad Deemed University found that it has pain relieving and inflammatory reducing properties. Due to the presence of both these properties, flaxseed oil can help reduce swelling in the gums and pain in the teeth.

15. Relaxation in Arthritis

Use of flaxseed can also prove beneficial in the problem of arthritis. According to experts, flaxseed has antiinflammatory (inflammation-reducing) effect. This effect can have a positive effect on joint pain caused by arthritis. For this reason, it is believed that flaxseed has an antiarthritic effect. However, due to the lack of clear evidence in this regard, further research needs to be done on this.

16. Effective in constipation

A research in the Journal of Food Science and Technology found that flaxseed can provide relief in constipation problem. Research has suggested that flaxseed contains a significant amount of fiber. This fiber relaxes the constipation problem by loosening the stool. On this basis, it can be said that flaxseed can be a better option to get relief from constipation problem.

17. Aids in digestion

As we have already told you in the article that the use of flaxseed can help in relieving constipation problem, which is a digestive disorder. At the same time, a research related to linseed mentions that it is also helpful in gastrointestinal motility (gastrointestinal (GI) -motility). Gastrointestinal motility is the process by which foods pass through the entire digestive process. On this basis, it can be assumed that the benefits of flax seed can also be helpful in running the digestive system smoothly.

18. Take care of the skin

An NCBI research related to the medicinal properties of flaxseed suggests that it may help maintain skin health. Research has suggested that flaxseed can be beneficial for dry, dry and lifeless skin while keeping the skin soft, soft and shiny. On this basis, it can be said that using flaxseed can help in skin care.

19. Maintain hair health

The benefits of flaxseed can also prove to be very beneficial for hair. A research done on hair-related flaxseed found that flaxseed oil can provide strength and growth to the hair. Also it can be helpful in preventing baldness and hair loss problem. On this basis, it can be said that the use of flaxseed can also be beneficial for hair. However, more research is still needed on how the benefits of flax seed are beneficial for hair.

How to make flax seeds Laddus

Speaking of benefits, the consumption of flaxseed can prove beneficial in many physical problems like obesity, blood pressure and arthritis. This has already been mentioned in the article. At the same time, the nutrients present in flaxseeds can help keep the body healthy. So come, now we are going to tell you an easy way to make linseed laddus to gain the benefits of eating linseed laddus.


100 grams of wheat flour

200 grams flaxseed

250 grams of desi ghee

Half bowl gum

50g poppy seeds

One cup chopped nuts

300 grams of jaggery

Method of making

First of all, take a pan and offer it to heat on the gas.

Now fry linseed in it.

After the linseed fry well, keep it aside in a vessel.

Now add flour and fry well in the pan.

· When the dough turns light red and starts giving a nice fragrance, keep it aside in a vessel.

Now put native ghee in the pan and heat it.

When the ghee becomes hot, add gum to it and fry it well, take it out in a vessel and keep it aside and turn off the gas.

Now grind the flaxseeds into the mixer and grind them finely.

Now put ghee in the prepared linseed powder and mix the two well.

Now mix flour, poppy seeds and chopped nuts in it. Also, crush jaggery and mix it well.

After all the ingredients are well mixed, make ladoos of normal size with the help of hands.

After all the laddus are ready, place them in a similar vessel and leave them open for about an hour and let them cool down.

After the time is over, keep the ladoos ready now in an air tight container.

Note- Do not consume flaxseed laddus with sugar problem.

After the advantages of linseed laddus and how to make them, in the next part of the article we will now tell you the exact time and method of using linseed.

Use of flaxseeds - right time and right way to eat

After knowing the benefits of flaxseed, if you are thinking of including it in your diet, then also know about its consumption in detail. If you eat flaxseed seeds, then it may be removed from the body without digestion. The benefits of eating flaxseed will increase further when you eat it at the right time and right way. Here we are telling you the right time and right way to eat flaxseed.

Linseed can be taken as a powder. This will give all the nutrients present in the flaxseed.Soak linseed seeds in hot water for 10 minutes and then consume it.If linseed seeds are soaked in cold water, soak for two to three hours.Keep in mind that drink plenty of water with flaxseed seeds.Linseed laddus can be eaten.Flaxseed can be eaten with breakfast, smoothies or even with salads.You can eat flaxseed powder by adding it to curd and porridge.The best time to eat linseed is in the morning. Flaxseed can be consumed with breakfast in the morning.

Quantity - In case of flaxseed powder, in general, about 40 grams of flaxseed can be consumed daily. However, physical appearance and the presence of nutrients can occur in people. Therefore, in case of a particular disease or problem, consult your doctor about the amount to be taken.

How to keep flaxseeds safe for a long time

Many people will have questions about how and how long they can keep linseed safe. We tell you about this in detail.

You can store the flax seeds in an air tight jar, close it and store it in the fridge.Powder of flaxseed seeds can be made and sealed in an air tight container and kept in the refrigerator.Apart from this, if you buy flaxseed, then see the date of its packing and how long you can use it.Also, if you do not consume or use linseed seeds more, try to buy only a small packet.

 Who should not eat flaxseed

Linseed should not be used in the event of inferior problems.

People who are allergic to any particular food should avoid taking it.

Flaxseed has a lowering effect on blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should not consume it.

It can reduce blood sugar, so do not consume it if suffering from low blood sugar.

The laxative effect is found in flaxseed, so do not consume it at all with diarrhea or diarrhea.

It can slow down the blood clotting process due to omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, people who use blood thinners, they should consult a doctor before taking them.

People suffering from bipolar disorder (eg: depression) should not use linseed.

Loss of flaxseed -

Although flaxseed is beneficial for health and health in many cases, but excessive intake may also show the loss of flaxseed in some cases, which are as follows.

Although flaxseed gives beneficial results in constipation problem, but excessive intake can also cause severe constipation.

Excessive intake with blood thinners or during menstrual cycle can cause bleeding problems.

Diarrhea or diarrhea can also develop due to its excessive intake.

Consuming more than two teaspoons of raw linseed can cause the virus. Because, it also contains some amount of cyanide, which is destroyed after cooking.

If flaxseeds are consumed directly without adding to any food, it can cause omega-6 fatty acid deficiency in the body.

In the case of sugar, if flaxseeds are used in excess, it can make the problem even more severe due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, to avoid the loss of flaxseed, patients suffering from diabetes must consult a doctor before taking it.

You must have understood the medicinal properties of flaxseed. Along with this, you must have also learned the correct use of linseed to get the benefits of linseed. So what to think more, implement linseed in your life by following the methods mentioned in the article. Also, keep in mind the loss of linseed and precautions related to it, so that you can get the right benefit of linseed. Hopefully, this article will prove useful in solving many health related problems.


 Benefits of poppy Seeds for health

1. Assistant in digest

Poppy can be used for stomach troubles. This food is rich in certain nutrients like fiber, which works to relieve stomach problems like constipation and gas etc. In addition, fiber can also prevent colon cancer. Consuming it regularly will help maintain stomach health.

2. Mouth ulcers

 Can disturb any person. These blisters are painful, which target the tongue and lips etc. Due to this, the affected person has to face difficulty in eating, cleaning teeth and talking. Poppy is rich in antibacterial properties, so it can have a positive effect on mouth ulcers. However, better study of poppy on mouth ulcers still needs further study.

3. improve sleep

People suffering from sleep problems can use poppy seeds. The poppy type of poppy contains alkaloids. According to a research, alkaloids are found to be a pain reliever and sleep promoting element narcotic.

4. Improving female fertility

The benefits of poppy do not end here, its use can improve a woman's fertility. According to researchers in the Netherlands and Australia, flushing the fallopian tube with poppy sids oil can help with fertility. The fallopian tube is the passage through which eggs pass from the ovary to the uterus.

5. Bone Health

Poppy seeds also have many benefits for bones. Poppy is rich in nutrients like calcium, zinc and copper. Both these elements help in strengthening and developing bones. According to one study, copper and zinc combined with calcium supplements can play an effective role in preventing spinal cord damage.

Correct amounts of both calcium and phosphorus are required for bone health. Poppy is rich in phosphorus, which combines with calcium to benefit bones.

6. Brain Health

Poppy has many benefits for brain development as well. It is rich in nutrients like calcium, iron and copper, which are known to increase brain capacity. The calcium present in it works to balance neuronal function as well as enhance memory. You can include poppy seeds in your diet to improve brain functioning.

7. Increases immunity

Zinc and iron present in poppy seeds can work to strengthen your immune system. Iron helps in carrying oxygen in the body and improves the immune system. At the same time, zinc plays a role in the growth and development of new cells.

8. cardiovascular health

Poppy is rich in dietary fiber, which prevents heart damage by lowering cholesterol levels. According to one study, the amount of cholesterol in foods can be reduced with poppy seed oil. This proves that by including poppy oil in the diet, the heart can be kept healthy. In addition, omega-6 fatty acids present in poppy seeds can also prevent heart disease.

9. Increases energy

Poppy can help you to increase the flow of energy in the body. This food is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, which is considered an essential source of energy in the diet. You can consume poppy seeds for the supply of energy and balance of energy in the body.

10. Improve eyesight

Poppy is a good source of zinc. According to one study, zinc may reduce the risk of macular degeneration (eye disease) occurring simultaneously with aging. In addition, the antioxidants present in poppy seeds can promote eye health.

11. Stone treatment

Poppy may be an effective option for patients suffering from kidney stone. It is rich in potassium, so it can be helpful in treating stones. Apart from this, calcium is also found in poppy seeds, which can relieve you from kidney stone problem.

12. Constipation

Poppy seeds can also be taken to overcome stomach problems like constipation. Poppy is rich in fiber and fiber is considered the most helpful nutrient for the digestive system. Fiber helps stool soften stools.

13. Pain Reliever

Poppy can also be used to relieve pain. Poppy helps in relieving pain by affecting the pain signals coming from the nervous system.

14. Respiratory Health

The zinc present in poppy can be seen here. It acts as a cytoprotective against inflammation and toxins in the respiratory tract. Zinc is considered an important element for lung health, which may play an effective role in the treatment of asthma.

15. Prevention from Cancer

According to one report poppy can increase the activity of a carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme by up to 78 percent, known as glutathione-S-transferase (GST). This activity of poppy can act to prevent cancer.

According to a report, poppy has also been known as a traditional cancer drug. Reports indicate that poppy can be used as an effective medicine for conditions such as skin, stomach, uterus and vaginal cancers.

16. Beneficial in thyroid

Poppy contains selenium, which plays an important role in improving thyroid function, which can eliminate hypo and hyper thyroid symptoms.

17. Diabetes

People with diabetes can consume poppy seeds. It is rich in fiber, which can work effectively on type 2 diabetes. However, further research is still needed on this.

Poppy is also rich in magnesium. According to a report, magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of developing diabetes. Studies show that taking magnesium supplements has helped people who have diabetes or are at risk.

Use of poppy

Poppy is used in various states of India to enhance the taste of dishes. Before using poppy seeds, check the seeds thoroughly, so that there is no pebble in it. Seeds should be soaked in water or milk for at least two hours. After this leave them to dry.

You can include poppy seeds in the following ways:

Soaked poppy seeds can be used to thicken gravy along with other spices.

Toasted poppy can be used for garnishing bread, rolls, vegetables and salads.

In West Bengal and Bangladesh, white poppy seeds are used to make a variety of dishes, such as Potato Popo and Popo Boda, etc. White poppy seeds are grinded and used for potato poppy.

In Maharashtra, poppy seeds are used to make a special type of sweet anarkala.

In Andhra Pradesh, white poppy paste is used as a spice for making chicken, meat and vegetables.

In addition, poppy seeds are also used to make pastries.

You can try these poppy seeds recipes:

1. Poppy Tea

material :

250 grams poppy seeds

Three cups of hot water

Two tablespoons lemon juice

Empty two liter bottle (steel)

How to make:

Pour poppy into the bottle.

Add hot water to the bottle and mix lemon juice on top.

Close the bottle and shake it for about 2 minutes.

Now sieve the tea in the cup and enjoy.

2. Poppy Bread

material :

Three cups of flour

One-half teaspoon salt

One and a half tablespoons of baking powder

Three tablespoons poppy seeds

1 teaspoon butter

One third cup of vegetable oil

·         three eggs

A cup of milk

Two and a half cups of sugar

One and a half teaspoon vanilla juice

One and a half teaspoon almond juice

How to make:

Pre-heat the oven to 3500 F.

Put butter inside the pan.

· Mix all the ingredients in a pan and keep them in the oven.

Bake for one hour. Keep watching every now and then that the bread does not burn.

Know below how poppy can be preserved for a long time.

Selection of poppy and safe for long time -

Selection: You will find many types of poppy in the market. Talking about colors, you will find it in light gray, dark gray, black or blue. Its European type is dark brown, while its Turkish variety is tobacco colored. Always buy poppy seeds with a good store. The seeds should be small and light.

Store: Keep the poppy in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place. In this way, you can store poppy seeds for 6 months. Keep these seeds away from moisture.

Let us now know how poppy can be used medicinally.

Are there any medicinal uses of poppy? -

Poppy is also used in making many medicines, such as:

Codeine and morphine extracted from seeds are used as pain relievers.

Poppy juice is also used to treat skin diseases in Ayurveda.

After knowing the benefits of poppy and how to store it, know below the disadvantages of poppy.

Disadvantages of Poppy

There is no doubt that poppy is a beneficial food that can be used to get rid of many diseases of the body, but excessive intake can also cause health problems following allergies.

·         Constipation

.         Nausea

.         Sloth

Pyaz Ke Fayde

Onion (Important role in Life)

Onion is a treasure of health and beauty. Sodium, potassium, folates, vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus… these are some of the nutrients found in onions. Onion has anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from this, it also has anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. Onions also contain sufficient amounts of minerals like iron, folate and potassium. Onion is a superfood. Let's know what are the benefits of eating raw onion along with food (Benefits of raw onion). University of Texas, University of Maryland Medical Center, National Onion Association, USA report has shown the beneficial benefits of these onions in their report.

Onion is beneficial for heart

According to a Cambridge University report, flavonoids present in onions help in reducing bad cholesterol in your body and thiosulfinates are helpful in keeping the stability of the blood right. Due to this, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced manifold. Regulates cholesterol. You can get rid of the problem of increasing cholesterol by eating raw onion. Amino acid is found in raw onion, which reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

Ability to fight cancer is fast

Treatment of cancer with raw onion, the raw thirst is very high in sulfur, which does not allow the cancer cells to grow. Eating raw onion brings the ability to fight cancer and also improves health.

Also beneficial in digestion

Raw onion helps a lot in the digestion. There is a lot of fiber in raw onions, due to which the food sticking inside your stomach is completely digested. Eating raw onion cleanses the stomach. It removes the complaint of constipation. People who have constipation, use salad in dinner.

Beneficial for bones

If you consume onion regularly, it can help you strengthen bones. Although dairy products are used more for bones, but to a large extent, many other food items including onions can also help in strengthening bones. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), only one onion contains 25.3 milligrams of calcium. Calcium helps maintain strong bones, so adding onions to your salad can improve bone health.

Beneficial in blood pressure

To control blood pressure it is advisable to consume many things. One of them includes raw onion. If you have a complaint of blood pressure, then you can eat raw onion daily, this can help in reducing blood pressure. Include raw onion in the salad with your daily meal.

Better for hair health

Onions have antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties, which enhance the growth of our hair. The sulfur element in it makes the hair thick and shiny. In addition, it also increases their length rapidly. Onion juice increases the blood circulation of the head and makes the scalp strong. This makes your hair healthy and they grow fast. Premature graying of hair has become a common problem today. This problem can also be overcome by applying onion juice. This gradually prevents hair from becoming white. Also, it turns black hair which is white. Dandruff causes itching on the scalp. If it is not stopped in time, it can also cause many damage to the hair.

Improves immunity

At present, everyone talks about immunity. Onions can also help you strengthen it. According to the study published in the Journal of Mediators of Inflammation, the chemical composition of onion is so strong that it helps to increase immunity and also has anti-cancer properties.

Is beneficial for the respiratory system

According to a study published in the journal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, eating onions relaxes the trachea muscles, which helps asthma patients breathe easier. It is caused by the presence of flavonoids.

Beneficial for diabetes

According to recently released research, quercetin helps in controlling diabetes. A study published in the journal Phyto phora Therapy states that taking 500 mg or more of quercetin daily in eight weeks reduces the level of increased blood sugar in patients with diabetes. Due to the presence of quercetin and sulfur in onion, it is very beneficial for diabetes patients.

Moles Significance


Something definitely says Mole on your body

Sesame is definitely found on almost any part of every man and woman. What is the importance of that mole? What part of the body does the fruit of sesame get. According to oceanography, an integral part of astrology, having mole on any part of the body gives a different indication. If the mole is anywhere on the face, then you can also understand the nature of the person. The special thing is that sesame fruit is considered auspicious on the right and left limb of the male. At the same time, if you are on the left limbs, you get mixed results. Before we tell you what are the effects of having a mole on which part of the body, we will tell you the names of some organs and how they refer to the personality of a human being. It is also a genre of oceanography, in which a person's person can identify by looking at his organs. For example- like men whose shoulders are bent, they are gracious and serious. On the other hand, men with wide chests are rich, men with red lips are courageous. At the same time, almost all the major organs from the stomach, chest and lips of women say something.

On the right side of the forehead

If there is a mole on the right side of the forehead - money always remains.

Left forehead

If there is a mole on the left side of the forehead - some problem persists throughout life.

Mole on the frontal

By having a mole on the forehead - one consumes wealth and opulence.

Mole on chin

Having a mole on the chin - differs from life partner.

Right above the eye

If there is a mole on the right eye, you always get more love from your life partner.

Above left eye

If there is a mole on the left eye - there will be struggle and worry in life.

On the right cheek

If there is a mole on the right cheek - you will be full of money.

On left cheek

If there is a mole on the left cheek - you will be troubled due to lack of money.

Mole on the lips

Having a mole on the lips - work will be more of consciousness.

Lip sticks

If there is a mole under the lips - there will be lack of money.

Mole on the lips

If there is a mole on the lips - a person is rich, but has a stubborn nature.

On left ear

If there is a mole on the left ear - always avoid accident.

Right ear

Having mole on the right ear - short age yoga, but the remedy will benefit.

mole on neck

If there is a mole on the neck - life will be spent comfortably, the person gets longevity, convenience and right.

On right arm

If there is a mole on the right arm - you will get courage and respect.

Left arm

By having a mole on the left arm - there is a possibility of having a son and happiness is obtained from the son.

Chest right

By having a mole on the right side of the chest - you will love your life partner.

Left chest

By having mole on the left side of the chest - fear will remain high in life.

mole on nose

If there is a mole on your nose - you will keep traveling throughout your life.

On the right palm

If there is a mole on the right palm - money will be more profitable.

On the left palm

If there is a mole on the left palm - there will be loss of money.

Mole on foot

Having a mole on foot - makes more trips.

Between the eyebrows

If there is a mole between the eyebrows - traveling abroad is beneficial.

Mole on thigh

By having a mole on the thigh - while being illiterate, he spends his money in enjoyment. He does not have a shortage of servants.

On woman's eyebrows

If there is a mole between a woman's eyebrows - the woman is married to a higher officer.

At the waist

By having a mole on the waist - one gets material comforts.

Mole on the back

If there is a mole on the back - life goes on with the help of others and there will be evil behind the back.

Mole on navel

By having mole on navel - you get pleasure of sensual nature and children.

On the left shoulder

If there is a mole on the left shoulder - there will be hesitance and fear in the mind.

On the right shoulder

If there is a mole on the right shoulder - courage and work capacity are more.


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