Thursday, 17 September 2020


 Medicinal properties of flax seeds

Due to the medicinal properties present in linseed, it is used as an excellent medicine in Ayurveda. Let's have a look at some important medicinal properties present in it, which are as follows:

Anti-fungals (eliminating fungal infections)

Anti-oxidant (reducing the effect of free radicals)

Anti-hypertensive (lowered increased blood pressure)

Cholesterol lowering effect (cholesterol lowering)

Anti-diabetic (blood sugar reducer)

Ant-ithrombic (slowing blood clotting process)

Anti-tumor (inhibitor of growing tumors)

benefits of linseed -

1. helpful in weight loss

The use of flaxseed can be beneficial in reducing the increased weight. Indeed, according to a research published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, flaxseed is a good source of dietary fiber. Due to the presence of fiber, it can help in reducing the increased plasma and cholesterol in the body. Also it can be helpful in reducing excess body fat, which can help in controlling weight. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that a drink or bread prepared from flaxseed can be helpful for weight loss, provided it is avoided along with other fatty foods to gain the benefits of eating flaxseed.

2. Control blood pressure

The benefits of eating Teesi can also prove useful in controlling increased blood pressure. This is mentioned in a research conducted by the St. Boniface Hospital Research Center in Canada. Research has assumed that omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and dietary fiber present in flaxseeds can jointly exhibit antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) effects. Due to this effect, the consumption of flaxseed can give relief to the patient suffering from blood pressure problem. In such a situation, it can be assumed that the benefits of linseed seeds can be achieved as a treatment for increased blood pressure.

3. Relief in diabetes

Talking about the problem of diabetes, the benefits of eating linseed can also be effective for the patients suffering from this problem. This has been considered in a research conducted on linseed by the Journal of Food Science and Technology. Research suggests that due to the presence of fiber and mucilage (glue-like gluten) present in flaxseed, it can control the amount of insulin in the body. Due to this effect, research has considered that flaxseed has antidiabetic (blood sugar controlling) effect.

At the same time, another research conducted on mice belonging to flaxseed suggests that flaxseed contains a specific element called Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside. This special element in flaxseed can help reduce the risk of developing type-1 diabetes. Also, type-2 can reduce the possibility of diabetes. On this basis, it can be said that using flaxseed can help to control diabetes and keep away the risks from it.

4. Effective in cold and cough

Linseed is considered a great alternative as an ancient home remedy for cold and cough. This point comes from a research in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation related to linseed. Research has suggested that flaxseed can help relieve cold and cough. At the same time, research also mentions that flaxseed tea can prove beneficial in the problem of excessive cough or bronchitis (a condition of inflammation in lungs). For this, soak the flax seeds in water for about 30 minutes. When the time is up, separate the seeds and heat the water and drink it after sipping. Explain that the facts related to the benefits of eating linseed are based on home remedies used in ancient times. Therefore, more research needs to be done about how effective it will be in cold and cough.

5. Lower Cholesterol

The benefits of flaxseed seeds can also prove beneficial in controlling the condition of increased cholesterol. This is evidenced by an NCBI research. Research suggested that flaxseed may exhibit positive effects in people using peripheral artery disease (thinning of the veins) and cholesterol-lowering drugs. In this way, it can also be helpful in keeping the risks related to heart. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that eating linseed can also help in controlling the increased cholesterol.

6. beneficial for heart

Along with other health benefits, the benefits of eating flaxseed can also be helpful in maintaining heart health. This has been accepted in a research conducted by the Department of Physiology of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Indeed, the lignan complex (flax lignan complex) and secoisolaricresinol diglucoside present in flaxseeds may play a major role in this work. Research has shown that secoisoisaricaricinol diglucoside has a hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) property. At the same time, the lignan complex and the cacoisoleicaricinol diglucoside may reduce the risks of atherosclerosis of the heart. On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of eating Teesi can substantially improve heart health.

7. Linseed in Pregnancy

The benefits of flaxseed seeds can also prove to be effective in pregnancy. In fact, in the year 2015, research done by International Journal of Experimental Pathology on flaxseed oil has been considered beneficial for pregnancy. Research suggests that by reducing the effect of increased blood sugar, it can help a child develop and maintain his normal weight. The reason is that flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acids necessary for pregnancy. Along with this, it also contains other nutrients, which are necessary for pregnancy. On the contrary, a research conducted by NCBI, which was done in the year 2013, has predicted breast cancer due to excessive consumption of flaxseed during pregnancy or post pregnancy.

The 2015 report describes linseed as beneficial for pregnancy. In this context, we can say the consumption of flaxseed or flaxseed oil during pregnancy to some extent. Yet, the research of breast cancer which can be seen in other research also cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming flaxseed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

8. Beneficial for liver

Patients suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease using flaxseed can also be relieved. Actually, this is mentioned in an NCBI research related to linseed. Research has found that if flaxseed is consumed with a balance in diet and daily routine, people struggling with fatty liver problems can be relieved to a great extent. At the same time, another research related to this suggests that flaxseed can help maintain liver health by controlling the increased blood pressure. Alpha-linolenic acid and linolenic acid present in flaxseed may play a major role in this work. On this basis, it can be believed that the benefits of eating linseed seeds can prove beneficial in maintaining liver health.

9. Avoid cancer

The benefits of eating flaxseed seeds may also include reducing the risks of cancer. According to experts, a special element called Secoisolariciresinol is found in flaxseed. It is only due to the presence of this particular element that flaxseed can exhibit anticancer (reducing the effect of cancer) properties. This property can demonstrate a positive effect in reducing the risk of cancer caused mainly by hormonal disturbances (eg: breast cancer, uterine cancer and sperm gland cancer). Not only this, it can also be helpful in reducing the growth of cancerous tumors that occur in various other parts of the body.

On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of linseed seeds can be somewhat helpful in the growing effects of cancer. However, you have to keep in mind that cancer is a fatal disease. Therefore, medical treatment is essential to treat cancer. At the same time, you must also seek medical consultation before the use of linseed for cancer.

10. Flaxseed for gastritis (abdominal swelling)

Benefits of linseed also include relief from gastritis problem. According to a research published on the NCBI website, omega-3s can protect against goutritis and flaxseeds contain a good amount of omega. In such a situation, it can be said that the use of flaxseed can be helpful in stomach inflammation to some extent. At the moment, further research is still needed on this topic.

11. Relaxation in fever and common cold

As we have already told you in the article, positive effects of flaxseed can be seen in common cold and cough. On the other hand, another research confirms that the health benefits of flaxseed include general fever relief. On this basis, it can be assumed that benefits of linseed can also prove to be beneficial in fever problem.

12. Beneficial in sore throat

A Greek research related to the Benefit of linseed seeds suggests that linseed may prove beneficial for sore throat along with other health benefits. However, there is no firm evidence on how it is beneficial in a sore throat.

13. Effective in asthma

A research conducted by New York Medical University on respiratory system related disorders has been found to be beneficial in asthma. Indeed, research suggests that use of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may prove beneficial in asthma. At the same time, in other research by NCBI, it is mentioned that by soaking linseed seeds in water for about 30 minutes, remove the seeds from the water. Now heat that water and drink it like tea. This can provide relief in asthma. Given these facts, it can be said that the benefits of linseed seeds can also be helpful in asthma.

14. Helpful in toothache

The use of flaxseed may also prove beneficial for people suffering from toothache. In fact, a research on flaxseed oil by Allahabad Deemed University found that it has pain relieving and inflammatory reducing properties. Due to the presence of both these properties, flaxseed oil can help reduce swelling in the gums and pain in the teeth.

15. Relaxation in Arthritis

Use of flaxseed can also prove beneficial in the problem of arthritis. According to experts, flaxseed has antiinflammatory (inflammation-reducing) effect. This effect can have a positive effect on joint pain caused by arthritis. For this reason, it is believed that flaxseed has an antiarthritic effect. However, due to the lack of clear evidence in this regard, further research needs to be done on this.

16. Effective in constipation

A research in the Journal of Food Science and Technology found that flaxseed can provide relief in constipation problem. Research has suggested that flaxseed contains a significant amount of fiber. This fiber relaxes the constipation problem by loosening the stool. On this basis, it can be said that flaxseed can be a better option to get relief from constipation problem.

17. Aids in digestion

As we have already told you in the article that the use of flaxseed can help in relieving constipation problem, which is a digestive disorder. At the same time, a research related to linseed mentions that it is also helpful in gastrointestinal motility (gastrointestinal (GI) -motility). Gastrointestinal motility is the process by which foods pass through the entire digestive process. On this basis, it can be assumed that the benefits of flax seed can also be helpful in running the digestive system smoothly.

18. Take care of the skin

An NCBI research related to the medicinal properties of flaxseed suggests that it may help maintain skin health. Research has suggested that flaxseed can be beneficial for dry, dry and lifeless skin while keeping the skin soft, soft and shiny. On this basis, it can be said that using flaxseed can help in skin care.

19. Maintain hair health

The benefits of flaxseed can also prove to be very beneficial for hair. A research done on hair-related flaxseed found that flaxseed oil can provide strength and growth to the hair. Also it can be helpful in preventing baldness and hair loss problem. On this basis, it can be said that the use of flaxseed can also be beneficial for hair. However, more research is still needed on how the benefits of flax seed are beneficial for hair.

How to make flax seeds Laddus

Speaking of benefits, the consumption of flaxseed can prove beneficial in many physical problems like obesity, blood pressure and arthritis. This has already been mentioned in the article. At the same time, the nutrients present in flaxseeds can help keep the body healthy. So come, now we are going to tell you an easy way to make linseed laddus to gain the benefits of eating linseed laddus.


100 grams of wheat flour

200 grams flaxseed

250 grams of desi ghee

Half bowl gum

50g poppy seeds

One cup chopped nuts

300 grams of jaggery

Method of making

First of all, take a pan and offer it to heat on the gas.

Now fry linseed in it.

After the linseed fry well, keep it aside in a vessel.

Now add flour and fry well in the pan.

· When the dough turns light red and starts giving a nice fragrance, keep it aside in a vessel.

Now put native ghee in the pan and heat it.

When the ghee becomes hot, add gum to it and fry it well, take it out in a vessel and keep it aside and turn off the gas.

Now grind the flaxseeds into the mixer and grind them finely.

Now put ghee in the prepared linseed powder and mix the two well.

Now mix flour, poppy seeds and chopped nuts in it. Also, crush jaggery and mix it well.

After all the ingredients are well mixed, make ladoos of normal size with the help of hands.

After all the laddus are ready, place them in a similar vessel and leave them open for about an hour and let them cool down.

After the time is over, keep the ladoos ready now in an air tight container.

Note- Do not consume flaxseed laddus with sugar problem.

After the advantages of linseed laddus and how to make them, in the next part of the article we will now tell you the exact time and method of using linseed.

Use of flaxseeds - right time and right way to eat

After knowing the benefits of flaxseed, if you are thinking of including it in your diet, then also know about its consumption in detail. If you eat flaxseed seeds, then it may be removed from the body without digestion. The benefits of eating flaxseed will increase further when you eat it at the right time and right way. Here we are telling you the right time and right way to eat flaxseed.

Linseed can be taken as a powder. This will give all the nutrients present in the flaxseed.Soak linseed seeds in hot water for 10 minutes and then consume it.If linseed seeds are soaked in cold water, soak for two to three hours.Keep in mind that drink plenty of water with flaxseed seeds.Linseed laddus can be eaten.Flaxseed can be eaten with breakfast, smoothies or even with salads.You can eat flaxseed powder by adding it to curd and porridge.The best time to eat linseed is in the morning. Flaxseed can be consumed with breakfast in the morning.

Quantity - In case of flaxseed powder, in general, about 40 grams of flaxseed can be consumed daily. However, physical appearance and the presence of nutrients can occur in people. Therefore, in case of a particular disease or problem, consult your doctor about the amount to be taken.

How to keep flaxseeds safe for a long time

Many people will have questions about how and how long they can keep linseed safe. We tell you about this in detail.

You can store the flax seeds in an air tight jar, close it and store it in the fridge.Powder of flaxseed seeds can be made and sealed in an air tight container and kept in the refrigerator.Apart from this, if you buy flaxseed, then see the date of its packing and how long you can use it.Also, if you do not consume or use linseed seeds more, try to buy only a small packet.

 Who should not eat flaxseed

Linseed should not be used in the event of inferior problems.

People who are allergic to any particular food should avoid taking it.

Flaxseed has a lowering effect on blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should not consume it.

It can reduce blood sugar, so do not consume it if suffering from low blood sugar.

The laxative effect is found in flaxseed, so do not consume it at all with diarrhea or diarrhea.

It can slow down the blood clotting process due to omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, people who use blood thinners, they should consult a doctor before taking them.

People suffering from bipolar disorder (eg: depression) should not use linseed.

Loss of flaxseed -

Although flaxseed is beneficial for health and health in many cases, but excessive intake may also show the loss of flaxseed in some cases, which are as follows.

Although flaxseed gives beneficial results in constipation problem, but excessive intake can also cause severe constipation.

Excessive intake with blood thinners or during menstrual cycle can cause bleeding problems.

Diarrhea or diarrhea can also develop due to its excessive intake.

Consuming more than two teaspoons of raw linseed can cause the virus. Because, it also contains some amount of cyanide, which is destroyed after cooking.

If flaxseeds are consumed directly without adding to any food, it can cause omega-6 fatty acid deficiency in the body.

In the case of sugar, if flaxseeds are used in excess, it can make the problem even more severe due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, to avoid the loss of flaxseed, patients suffering from diabetes must consult a doctor before taking it.

You must have understood the medicinal properties of flaxseed. Along with this, you must have also learned the correct use of linseed to get the benefits of linseed. So what to think more, implement linseed in your life by following the methods mentioned in the article. Also, keep in mind the loss of linseed and precautions related to it, so that you can get the right benefit of linseed. Hopefully, this article will prove useful in solving many health related problems.

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